Oct 27, 2009

Dangers of thoughtless Driving

  • This is just a simulated video.
Its more red and gaudy in true real-life. http://bit.ly/9fSf6
Driving is not just holding the wheel and pumping 3 pedals- It is a highly technical and a scientific art.
  Most people dont know what they're doing behind the wheel. http://bit.ly/13cLCj
It takes 2 for an accident.
 It is not important whose fault it was.
If This happens when you're sober then what happens when YOU're drunk???
THIS happens:: http://bit.ly/NlWK5

Drive safe.... YOU are NOT Schumacher & you are NOT on the Track.

Also read:
Problem of plenty hits engg studies

Oct 19, 2009

Surgical Robots- 1

 Robotics is not just LFRs & Grid navigators. The Pick'n'Place Robots of yesteryears have evolved into Remote operated Micro-surgeons.....

 Surgical Surgical Robots and Robotics techniques are fast replacing in-house surgeons by facilitating the same Surgeons to operate on a patient 'anywhere' in the world, from wherever the surgeon is at that moment. This is an astounding miracle of Robotics- no more waiting to aggregate a group of expert surgeons around the Surgery table- they can supervise and successfully conduct Surgery from anywhere !!
 While the present generation of Medical Robots are expensive, they are fast approaching affordability due to increased interest and installations around the world. There have been significant reduction in Cost of these robotic systems and should reduce further in the future.

The recent advances in Medical Robots is due to the perfect blend  of  Mechatronics, Electronics, Physics, Embedded systems , Computer science and Software; the result is Robotics & Autonomous sytems , Intelligent systems etc., that have brought Robots from the long restricted Automobile industry into the wide user areas ranging from complex Surgery to ones own kitchen.